Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Buzz, Busy Bee, Buzz.

So hello. The name is Brandie, but you can call me Bee. I am a complete camera whore. And photography has become a major part of my life && my families too. Poor guys! hahhaa.

I wanted to start this site to showcase my photos as well as practice my editing using CS3. At this point, I dont really feel comfortable charging because its just extra practice for me with pictures other than my own.

I hope to eventually progress and be able to knock out amazing edits && slowly start doing some professional shots. Fingers crossed okay? hahha.

Oh btw: ya dig the layout right? Yah, me too. My girly, Sav @ heart.smash designs hooked me up as ususal. Check her out. Her work is amazing and the prices are totally reasonable! Thanks Sav!